My Top 5 Must Have Tools For Throwing Pottery On The Wheel
Pottery is an art form that acquires many, many tools. There are different tools for different stages of the process too-throwing, trimming and turning, firing, and more. Over the years I’ve collected many different tools from different teachers, shopping at my local pottery supply store (hey, Davens!), and even from household objects lying around the house…
The #1 Thing You’re Forgetting to Do When You’re Trying to Center Clay on the Pottery Wheel
Here’s something you may not have realized. Your breathe and breathing has a lot to do with how well you can center and throw clay. I’m sure you’ve dealt with those “off” days when you just can’t seem to get the clay centered on the wheel. When this happens to me, here are the first few things I try…
The Different Stages of Creating Pottery
Pottery has captivated human civilization for thousands of years, showcasing the beauty and creativity that can arise from clay and a skilled potter's hands. I throw almost all of my piece on a pottery wheel. In this blog post, I will give a quick insight into fascinating journey of creating and firing pottery on the wheel, step by step.
The Art of Branding: Why You Need a Brand for Your Pottery Business
In the world of business, branding plays a pivotal role in establishing a strong connection with your customers and lasting impression. It serves as the identity of a company, representing its ethos, values, personality, and unique offerings. If you’re looking to monetize your work as an artist, whether it be pottery or another art form, branding is crucial. In this blog post…