The #1 Thing You’re Forgetting to Do When You’re Trying to Center Clay on the Pottery Wheel
Here’s something you may not have realized. Your breathe and breathing has a lot to do with how well you can center and throw clay. I’m sure you’ve dealt with those “off” days when you just can’t seem to get the clay centered on the wheel. When this happens to me, here are the first few things I try:
Are you sitting at your wheel correctly? Are you centered behind it with your elbows tucked into your body and your knees bent at a roughly 90 degree angle? If you aren’t centered behind your wheel, then you’ll struggle with centering your clay.
There have been so many times when I’m struggling to center my clay and when I stop and try to work out why that is, I realize, I’ve been holding my breath! If you are having one of those off days, take a pause, take a few deep breaths, and try again. Ensure you are breathing deeply the whole time. This helps center your body and mind and this translates to your hands and the clay. Fascinating!
If all else fails, just take a break and come back later. Sometimes it’s just not the right day. Maybe you have other things on your mind, are subconsciously trying to rush it, or your nervous system just isn’t balanced. That’s okay! You can’t be your best self every day so don’t sweat it. Sometimes a break is just what we need.
It may seem a little silly but I like to stretch before sitting down at the wheel for a throwing session. It helps me stay comfortable longer and helps me feel centered and balance. It’s also god for my muscles! Try it sometime if you don’t already do it. 😊
I hope these tips help you! I know how frustrating it can be when trying to center clay and just not being able to get it right. A lot of times our mind focused solely on our hands and the clay itself, but your body, breathe, and mindset have a lot to do with it!
Do these tips resonate with you? For more pottery tips and tutorials, follow me on Instagram!